All we can feel for the Ukrainian people is sorrow and compassion with Putin invading his neighbour and destroying anything that gets in his way. We in the UK are lucky to be far away from the conflict, but with the internet connecting people around the world with near instant efficiency, how far away are we actually?
There is no comparison between what we face in the UK and those of the innocent people having to fight for their country, or having to watch their fathers, sons and husbands take up arms to protect what they love. However, we need to be vigilant. Now is the time to check our doors are locked and our alarms are set.
Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine will, according to the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre), increase the risk of cyber attacks in the UK and they are advising that we all strengthen our defences. In their article “Actions to take when the cyber threat is heightened” they give a list of simple actions to take.
If you are concerned about your security and need any help or advice then please contact me here.
The cyberthreats to our businesses in the UK are serious, but the opportunity to reduce the risk is now. Our thoughts and prayers are with those in the Ukraine who had no option.