Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

July 22nd 2024 By Matthew Phillips Is that Chrome extension filled with malware? If you use Google Chrome in your business, you’re probably familiar with extensions. These useful tools can enhance your browsing experience in countless ways, from blocking annoying ads to reducing distractions. Extensions are incredibly popular because they can add so much functionality […]

Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

May 6th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Cyber security training once a year isn’t working We all know how important it is to keep our people up-to-date on the latest cyber threats. After all, with cyber-attacks on the rise, staying one step ahead is crucial to protect your business from potential breaches. But here’s the thing […]

Is your business data at risk? Don’t take chances with old tech!

June 12th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Is your business data at risk? Don’t take chances with old tech! When you replace old computers or external drives, do you delete data and then just… get rid of them? You could be putting your sensitive data at risk. A new study by a data recovery specialist shows […]

Here’s how cyber criminals try to hack your accounts while you sleep

June 5th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Here’s how cyber criminals try to hack your accounts while you sleep Have you ever felt frustrated by the flood of notifications from your multi-factor authentication (MFA) app? Well, cyber criminals have too. And they’re taking advantage of “MFA fatigue” to try to gain access to your sensitive business […]

Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime

February 6th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime If you employ anyone aged between 16 and 19, you need to pay special attention to the cyber security training you’re giving your team. A new study has revealed that a host of worrying online behaviour has become almost normalised among […]

Windows is the prime target for cyber criminals

December 19th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Windows is the prime target for cyber criminals With its huge dominance in the workplace, Microsoft’s Windows has become the prime target for cyber criminals. They’re looking to access your information, disrupt your business, or hold your data to ransom. Tens of millions of attempted malware attacks were discovered […]

Make sure your cloud server is protected from this

September 20th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Does your business use a cloud server? If your business does…then you’ll be aware that the benefits are huge. You can use as little or as much storage as you need, without having to worry about limitations or huge bills. Perfect for growing businesses. Your team can access any […]

None of your team would fall for this trick… would they?

September 6th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Cyber criminals are using a dated scam to steal your business’s payment details… and it sounds very convincing. Cyber criminals have a reputation for constantly coming up with new ways to scam us into handing over login details or sensitive data. And while you might think your team would […]