Say goodbye to video call pop-ups (and Teams meeting blushes)

May 27th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Say goodbye to video call pop-ups (and Teams meeting blushes) Picture this: You’re on an important video call with a client, confidently presenting your latest project updates. Suddenly, a notification pops up on your screen from your significant other, reminding you (not so discreetly) about the damage your child […]

The secrets to make your laptop battery live longer

May 20th 2024 By Matthew Phillips The secrets to make your laptop battery live longer Could you imagine what it must have been like doing business 30 years ago, before you had a decent laptop? It’s a horrible thought. And one that you only need to consider now and then, when you have an hour’s […]

Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams

May 2nd 2024 By Matthew Phillips Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams If you’re all about doing everything you can to help your team max their productivity (who wouldn’t want that, right?), then you’re going to love what Microsoft Teams has in store for us with its latest Copilot upgrades. Imagine, you’re mid-Teams […]

Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

April 15th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers. Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every little helps. So it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have. And while you might think […]

Is Wi-Fi 7 worth the investment?

April 1st 2024 By Matthew Phillips Is Wi-Fi 7 worth the investment? You know that staying ahead of the technology curve is vital for all businesses in a highly competitive marketplace. One innovation launched earlier this year is Wi-Fi 7, the next generation of wireless connection. But what exactly does it offer, and is it […]

The little things that make a big difference

March 18th 2024 By Matthew Phillips The little things that make a big difference Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 update has dropped, and it’s got a small change that could make a big difference to you and your team. Microsoft has given Copilot, its handy AI assistant, a new place on the taskbar. No more hunting […]

Before you replace your slow PCs…

March 4th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Before you replace your slow PCs… You rely on your team to be efficient and productive. But slow and sluggish computers can make it difficult for them to do their work – and could affect you personally too. Which impacts your business’s overall performance. Before you jump to the […]

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

February 12th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Don’t think your business is a target? Think again You might think that cyber criminals are only interested in large companies or those with huge financial assets. After all, that’s where the big bucks are, right? Think again. Recent reports have shown that cyber criminals are casting their nets […]

This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

February 5th 2024 By Matthew Phillips This new search feature in Edge is a revolution Microsoft’s at it again, presenting us with new features week after week. This time it’s all about making our online searches smarter and more efficient in the Edge browser. If you’ve been on the fence about switching to it, this […]

Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

January 29th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update Microsoft is soon going to release its latest update for Windows 11, known as “Moment 5” or the “February 24 Moment.” This update is expected to start rolling out in the next few weeks and it comes with […]