Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all?

June 24th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all? Getting your team to report security issues quickly is something that’s important for your business… but maybe something that might not have crossed your mind before. You might think that with so many security tech tools, you’re […]

Is that Microsoft email actually a phishing attack?

August 28th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Is that Microsoft email actually a phishing attack? You’re no stranger to the endless threats lurking in your email inbox. But have you ever considered that an email which seems to be from Microsoft could end up being your worst nightmare? Microsoft, the tech giant we all know and […]

Stop! And think, before you act on that email

June 19th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Stop! And think, before you act on that email How many times a day do you respond to an email without really thinking about its contents?   Maybe it’s a request for some information. Perhaps it’s asking you to pay an invoice. All mundane stuff. But no sooner than […]

Take Action to Avoid a Devious New Phishing Scam

January 30th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Take Action to Avoid a Devious New Phishing Scam Another day, another scam. And this is a sneaky one. Cyber criminals are getting smarter. This recent malware threat is unusually smart. It impersonates a highly trusted brand name to get a foot in the door. Targets receive a convincing […]