Redtree IT


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Bot malware is a growing security threat

March 20th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Bot malware is a growing security threat If we talk about ‘bots’ you’d be forgiven for thinking of the amazing AI chatbots that have been all over the news lately. But this isn’t a good news story. Bots are just automated programs, and bot malware is a worrying new security risk you need to defend your business against. Malware bots are particularly dangerous because they steal whole user profiles – that’s a complete snapshot

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Let’s start talking about AI

March 6th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Let’s start talking about AI The whole world is suddenly talking about Artificial Intelligence. From Alexa in your kitchen, to Siri on your phone, AI is already all around us, but new names like ChatGPT, Dall-E, Jasper and more feel like they’ve blown up the internet. These new concepts take things WAY further, helping us to write articles, search the web with natural conversation, generate images, create code, and introduce new ways to make

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Cyber attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you vulnerable?

February 27th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Cyber attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you vulnerable? Have you ever tried to buy tickets for a huge event and found that the seller’s website has collapsed under the weight of thousands of people all trying to do the same thing at the same time? The ticket site falls over – usually temporarily – because the server is overloaded with traffic it doesn’t have the capacity for. Criminal Distributed Denial of Service attacks

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AI is making phishing scams more dangerous

February 20th 2023 By Matthew Phillips AI is making phishing scams more dangerous AI chatbots have taken the world by storm in recent months. We’ve been having fun asking ChatGPT questions, trying to find out how much of our jobs it can do, and even getting it to tell us jokes. But while lots of people have been having fun, cyber criminals have been powering ahead and finding ways to use AI for more sinister purposes. They’ve worked out that

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