Redtree IT


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Is your security focusing on the right things?

February 13th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Is your security focusing on the right things? To protect your home from an intruder you make sure your doors and windows are all locked and secured. You might go further: build a fence around the perimeter, perhaps even get an angry-looking dog to stand guard. But there’s no point going to all that effort if someone’s already broken in and set up camp in the basement. Yet that’s the security policy of thousands

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Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime

February 6th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Young employees have different attitudes to cyber crime If you employ anyone aged between 16 and 19, you need to pay special attention to the cyber security training you’re giving your team. A new study has revealed that a host of worrying online behaviour has become almost normalised among many young people. And much of this activity is illegal. We’re not talking serious cyber crime such as ransomware attacks or stealing data. But one

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Take Action to Avoid a Devious New Phishing Scam

January 30th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Take Action to Avoid a Devious New Phishing Scam Another day, another scam. And this is a sneaky one. Cyber criminals are getting smarter. This recent malware threat is unusually smart. It impersonates a highly trusted brand name to get a foot in the door. Targets receive a convincing looking email that appears to come from a widely used e-signature platform. Attached to the email is a blank image that’s loaded with empty svg

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When did you last have a health check?

January 23rd 2023 By Matthew Phillips When did you last have a health check? How’s the January health kick going? Lots of us take our health seriously – once a year, anyway – and it’s good to spend time thinking about whether you’ve been looking after yourself (and better still, doing something about it). Your doctor would probably like to see you once a year for a health check, just to pick up any small problems and stop them getting worse.

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Are your younger employees experiencing ‘tech shame’?

January 16th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Are your younger employees experiencing ‘tech shame’? It seems that Gen Z and even some Millennial employees are less tech savvy than many employers might expect. It’s an assumption that’s leading to a sense of ‘tech shame’. Younger workers may have grown up using Snapchat, TikTok and Minecraft, but they’re not always equipped with the skills they need to adapt to the workplace. A recent study has found that one in five employees aged

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