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Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none)

February 26th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none) Picture this: Your business gets hit by a ransomware attack, and your valuable data is locked away by cyber criminals demanding a huge ransom fee. You can’t afford to pay it. But there’s a twist – just like those “buy now, pay later” schemes, some ransomware gangs are offering victims payment extension options. Recent research reveals that ransomware groups are getting creative with their extortion strategies.

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Bridging the trust gap between your employees and AI

February 19th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Bridging the trust gap between your employees and AI You’ve probably been considering how to harness the potential of AI to boost your company’s efficiency and productivity. But there’s a small problem. A recent study revealed something fascinating but not entirely surprising: A trust gap when it comes to AI in the workplace. While you see AI as a fantastic opportunity for business transformation, your employees might be sceptical and even worried about their

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Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

February 12th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Don’t think your business is a target? Think again You might think that cyber criminals are only interested in large companies or those with huge financial assets. After all, that’s where the big bucks are, right? Think again. Recent reports have shown that cyber criminals are casting their nets wide, targeting businesses of all sizes, from independent shops to global enterprises. And they’re doing it with the help of something called “botnets.” You may

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This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

February 5th 2024 By Matthew Phillips This new search feature in Edge is a revolution Microsoft’s at it again, presenting us with new features week after week. This time it’s all about making our online searches smarter and more efficient in the Edge browser. If you’ve been on the fence about switching to it, this might just be the push you need. Edge has a cool new feature, as revealed by Mikhail Parakhin, CEO of Advertising and Web Services at

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Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

January 29th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update Microsoft is soon going to release its latest update for Windows 11, known as “Moment 5” or the “February 24 Moment.” This update is expected to start rolling out in the next few weeks and it comes with some noteworthy changes that you’ll want to keep an eye on. But first, let’s address one thing: After this update, Microsoft is going back to

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