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1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. Here’s the answer

May 13th 2024 By Matthew Phillips 1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. Here’s the answer Are you tired of juggling a multitude of passwords like a circus act? You’re not alone. According to a recent report, around 1 in 4 of us feel the same. But it’s not just the sheer number of passwords that’s causing headaches – it’s the security risks they pose. Let’s face it, when it comes to setting passwords, most people aren’t cyber security

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Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

May 6th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Cyber security training once a year isn’t working We all know how important it is to keep our people up-to-date on the latest cyber threats. After all, with cyber-attacks on the rise, staying one step ahead is crucial to protect your business from potential breaches. But here’s the thing – annual cyber security training just isn’t cutting it anymore. Sure, it’s become a routine part of the calendar for many organisations. And it’s great

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Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams

May 2nd 2024 By Matthew Phillips Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams If you’re all about doing everything you can to help your team max their productivity (who wouldn’t want that, right?), then you’re going to love what Microsoft Teams has in store for us with its latest Copilot upgrades. Imagine, you’re mid-Teams meeting, brainstorming like there’s no tomorrow. Ideas are flying all over the place! Even the quickest note-taker among you isn’t going to remember it all.

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Uh oh! You’re at greater risk of malware than ever before

April 22nd 2024 By Matthew Phillips Uh oh! You’re at greater risk of malware than ever before Here’s something not-so-fun but incredibly important to talk about: Malware attacks. And it’s bad news. These scary cyber threats are hitting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) harder than ever before. That means you need to know how you can defend your business. First things first, what exactly is malware? Think of it as the digital equivalent of the germs that make you sick.

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Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features

April 15th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Be more productive with these Microsoft Edge features Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and managers. Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every little helps. So it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have. And while you might think of your web browser as just a means to access the internet, it can be so much more than that. Especially if you use Microsoft

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