Redtree IT


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Some bosses think their people do less when working from home…

October 3rd 2022 By Matthew Phillips Microsoft has discovered that the majority of bosses don’t believe their employees are as productive when working from home. In fact, four out of five employers said they thought their people got less done when working remotely. On the other hand, a massive 87% of staff felt they were MORE productive when working from home. How is there such a big disconnect? Microsoft boss, Satya Nadella blames what he calls “productivity paranoia”. What that

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Android 13 is safer for your business

September 27th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Lets end the Android versus Apple debate… We all use our phones for a lot more than sending messages and making the occasional call. And that means most of your staff are probably using their personal mobile for work now and then. Everyone does it. The downside of this is it puts your business data at risk. If it can be accessed on a personal mobile and that device gets breached, that’s a risk.

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Make sure your cloud server is protected from this

September 20th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Does your business use a cloud server? If your business does…then you’ll be aware that the benefits are huge. You can use as little or as much storage as you need, without having to worry about limitations or huge bills. Perfect for growing businesses. Your team can access any data anywhere. Cloud servers were made for the hybrid work world we have today. And you don’t need to use lots of your office space

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Don’t walk the plank with pirated software

November 9th 2022 By Matthew Phillips Don’t walk the plank with pirated software A huge number of small and medium-sized businesses would consider using pirated software to try and save money. A new study has revealed a surprising number of businesses willing to break the law to save costs. Our advice? Think twice before you walk the plank. Right now, the most popular types of pirated software are project management tools, and marketing and sales software. But a huge 56%

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Are you using a malicious browser extension without realising?

August 31st 2022 By Matthew Phillips How many browser extensions do you use? 2? 5? More? There are hundreds of thousands of browser extensions designed to help us to save time, be more productive, and personalise our online experience. And while the majority of them do what they’re supposed to, some are not designed to help you at all… If you’re unfortunate enough to download a malicious browser extension without realising, it could harm your productivity and even flood your

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