Redtree IT


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That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds

October 9th 2023 By Matthew Phillips That phishing site? Gone in 600 seconds Did you know that a staggering 60% of phishing websites are only online for a fleeting 10 minutes? Yes, you read that right. Just ten minutes. This surprising fact underlines just how rapidly cyber threats are evolving and how vital it is for us to stay ahead of the game. Phishing sites are fake sites that try to trick you into entering your login details. Or to

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The end of an era: Goodbye WordPad

October 2nd 2023 By Matthew Phillips The end of an era: Goodbye WordPad Can you believe it? After 30 years of faithful service, Microsoft is finally pulling the plug on WordPad. The app that debuted with Windows 95, and lets you open a .doc file if you don’t have Word installed, is being shown the door. But why now and what does it mean for your business? Microsoft recently announced plans to stop updating WordPad and eventually remove it from

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Beware these “too good to be true” Facebook ads

September 25th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Beware these “too good to be true” Facebook ads We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, and an ad pops up promising to help you grow your business with some AI-powered software… Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Without giving it much thought, you click to see what it’s about. Bad news: This is a big red flag. Cyber criminals have been found creating Facebook ads that promise to supercharge your productivity and

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Tempted to test new features before everyone else? DON’T BE!

September 18th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Tempted to test new features before everyone else? DON’T BE! Ever been tempted to download the beta version of your favourite app, ready to test out all the cool new features before everyone else? STOP!! The FBI has some news that might just make you think twice. Cyber criminals have come up with a brand new trick to lure us into their lair. They’re hiding malicious code in fake beta versions of popular apps,

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And breathe… the “file too large to send” problem is over

September 11th 2023 By Matthew Phillips How many times have you been in the middle of an urgent email, attaching a critical file, only to be met with the dreaded notification – “file too large to send”? Frustrating, isn’t it? Well, Microsoft has heard our collective sighs of exasperation. They’ve announced an update that promises to banish the ‘file too large’ issue once and for all. And this is one of those rare times where something that feels too good

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