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Microsoft hints at some exciting Windows 12 developments

April 24th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Microsoft hints at some exciting Windows 12 developments Microsoft has been dropping hints about its next operation system, and it has got us all excited! Windows 12 could be arriving as soon as next year and we have lots of questions! What will it look like? What improvements will we see? Will there be new features? We can’t answer these questions with certainty just yet, but there are whispers of new features that could

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Criminals are exploiting AI to create more convincing scams

April 19th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Criminals are exploiting AI to create more convincing scams One of the many cool things about the new wave of Artificial Intelligence tools is their ability to sound convincingly human. AI chatbots can be prompted to generate text that you’d never know was written by a robot. And they can keep producing it – quickly, and with minimal human intervention. So it’s no surprise that cyber criminals have been using AI chatbots to try

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3 essential security tools for every business

April 10th 2023 By Matthew Phillips 3 essential security tools for every business Your data is one of your most valuable business assets. Keeping it safe should be one of your main priorities. So if you don’t have much security in place, there’s a minimum standard you should be implementing, right now. There are dozens of security solutions available that all perform different tasks – from preventing criminals gaining access, to recognising attacks in progress, and then limiting the damage

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Microsoft 365 makes Multi-Factor Authentication easier

April 6th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Microsoft 365 makes Multi-Factor Authentication easier Microsoft is planning to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) directly in its Outlook app for many 365 business users. MFA is a vital tool to help protect your online accounts from cyber criminals. It works by generating a second, single-use passcode every time you log into an account. It’s usually sent to an authenticator app on your phone that you have to download and set up first. Security codes

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Are your productivity tools actually slowing you down?

March 27th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Are your productivity tools actually slowing you down? Productivity tools are supposed to make you more, well… productive. But if they’re not embedded properly within your business, tasks can actually end up taking longer than they should. That’s frustrating for employees and you. It wastes time, and it costs money – which is the opposite of being productive. So how can this happen? Often a lack of consistent training means everyone is using tools

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